How Fast Should My Internet Really Be?
Straight Talk on How Your Internet Works – #AskOasisInternet
Q: How fast should my broadband speeds be?
A: If you aren’t familiar with exactly how the internet works, packages that offer various speeds, amounts of data and prices can be overwhelming, and often confusing. Do I want 10 mbps or 2,000 mbps? Should I have 10 gigabytes of data or unlimited data? Is it worth the price tag?
In order to understand which package is the best for you, it is important to understand what these different facets of your package actually mean. Perhaps the two most important parts to understand when buying an internet package are the speed (how fast your internet will be) and the amount (how much data your package allows you to use). In this article we are going to take a look at internet speeds, however, you can check out our article about data in an upcoming blog post.
First of all, when talking about internet speeds, it is important to note that there are two speeds associated with each package: a download speed and an upload speed. To learn more about the difference between upload and download speeds check out this article. It is also important to understand the measurement used to describe internet speeds: Mbps. This stands for megabits per second, which is referring to the number of bits of information that can be transferred per second over an internet connection. (1)
While some people may be tempted to simply buy the fastest speeds available, they are often shelling out unnecessary cash because many people don’t actually need the fastest speeds available. So how many megabits of data per second is going to give you fast reliable internet, without overcharging you for speeds that you don’t need? The answer to that varies from person to person because it depends on what you are doing on the internet.
In the US, the average broadband speed is incredibly misleading because it is skewed by a few gigabit internet packages (1,000 Mbps) that are not available everywhere. But don’t worry if you can’t get that in your area, because the fact is, most people don’t need anywhere near that much speed. A general rule of thumb is that your internet speed should have 10 Mbps per household user to have more than enough speed. This being said, by US standards, a 25 Mbps download speed qualifies as high-speed internet and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) recommends internet speeds of 12-25 Mbps for households with multiple users or frequent streaming. (2) (3)
So how do you calculate what speed your household needs? This depends on two main factors: How the internet is being used and how many people are using it. Let’s take a look at what speeds certain internet activities require, to help you determine what speed you need. (4)
What can I get for 1-10 Mbps?
- Idea for a single user
- Streaming music
- Checking email
- Web browsing
- Streaming in SD
- Video Conferencing
- Casual online gaming
- Checking social media
- Streaming Services (like Netflix, Youtube or Hulu) in HD
What can I get for 10-25 Mbps?
- Ideal for multiple people working from home
- Multiple users streaming simultaneously
- Frequent online gaming
- Streaming services in UHD or 4K
What can I get for 40-100 Mbps?
- Streaming multiple shows in HD
- Simultaneous gaming
- Frequently uploading and downloading large files
What can I get for 100+ Mbps?
- Streaming in UHD on multiple devices
- Simultaneous multiplayer online gaming
- Downloading large files quickly
- A business with man connected devices
As you can see, the amount of speed that you will need depends entirely on what you intend to do on the internet. If you have questions about what packages will offer you the best speeds at the best prices, visit our website, Oasis Broadband, or call us at (530) 883-8008 for more information.